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Dave Matthews Band Summer Tour Warm Up - The Stone 7.18.14 [] Over the course of Time and Chance I provide ample evidence to prove the existence of time travel, of mind control and of God... I show you how religion has recorded the existence of these things, and our society has been overtly influenced both not to see it... and not to believe that these things exist. Again, proof is right before your eyes, it's everywhere you look, every single day of your life. It's in every word of every language, your favorite song, and your favorite movie; in all of these things you can find and see the true "word of God." All you have to do is try. As we move into "The Pursuit of Happiness" I begin to show you obvious patterns that connect holy scripture and ancient myth across time and geographic origin. These patterns too, are obvious, and for at least the last few hundred years have failed to see them. Understanding that this failure is due to an overt darkness, something intentionally hiding the existence of these patterns is a huge leap towards "enlightenment," understanding that enlightenment is in my mind synonymous with having these obvious things pointed out... and somehow breaking through the dark wall. For instance, the Apple of Eden and Isaac Newton's inspiration has been nearly completely ignored until very recently. The relationship between Isaac's name and the Bible, still unseen. All told, the single reference I could find to this pattern lately... just barely scratches the surface of the truth, and puts it in the category of "noteworthy." It's more than noteworthy, it's the obvious intent of both stories, to match each other. Further, there's clear and bright light linking them... to each other and to the story of Jesus Christ... in a Fig Newton commercial. That's a Fig leaf from Eden, and Newton's apple. Yet the world has no clue. This is now light... coming from darkness. This pattern all but proves a clear and defined relationship between religion and our civilizations' understanding of the laws of the universe, that's a big deal. The Darkness gets deeper. I have publicly asked people if they see some of the patterns that I write about, things like a confluence in the word "ark" in the stories of Genesis and Exodus. I've been told outright by a number of people that there is no relationship between Noah's Ark and the Ark of the Covenant. More than once. I've been told that the "Hebrew word used" is different, and because of that the authors had no intention of there being a logical link between all life being carried by an Ark... and the people then carrying it through the desert. Really? I then point out that there's an additional pattern, the number "40," which apparently only I am aware is about the Fourth Dimension, about time travel. Crickets, no response. This pattern using the number 40 continues into the book of Matthew, which portrays the life of Jesus Christ as microcosm of the Book of Exodus. This is pretty obvious, with him scaling a mountain, crossing a sea, and then wandering in the wilderness for 40 days. It's obvious logically that the desert, the flood, and the wilderness might related. Here, Hebrew helps, by using the same word for "wilderness" and "desert." It's about a place of darkness, where we are wandering, not understanding something. To me, it's about time travel, about the 4-D... or it was. It's now about not being able to logically analyze religion, and then taking that concept one step further... and listening to me when I tell you that religion is pointing out that this darkness and this lack of an ability to think logically is a microcosm... like in Matthew... telling us that we are broadly missing things... things that are closer to home and more fundamental to survival than being able to analyze a book. It's a clue. This is about Minority Report, it's about using prescience to make the world a better place. It's about a chastisement of God and Heaven... for not stopping things like shootings from happening. I want to do this more than anything in the world, understand it's about a conscious decision to give up "a little bit of free will" to get a step closer to Heaven. You may say that I'm a dreamer... not only am I not the only one, i'm showing you it's possible. I pull more from my analysis of religion, from Noah???s Ark and what I call the ???two of everything God.??? I think it???s a chastisement of our societies polarization, on things like God and Satan, and Republicans and Democrats. In the last few months, I???ve seen what could have resulted in the fracturing of both American parties, which could have resulted in a four party system. People should think about how much better their wishes might be met if we had more than two polarized choices. Seriously, we???re blind.
Adam Marshall Dobrin -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v2 mQENBFbGalABCADzLBdnHptF2MJCpdY8P/Mgnf4xj8F9pZSCwmd0J4Md8g3aTEdU CV9t0UQgNtjcxwfoenJLHgdZd4Mfscz9U+NN69OLXdPu4cdXOjTiHarPLjKnqIZw 3fmkM2ycvoUPkdVYCjwYYQxWRsWRpJf1dpmtPuz0L8ysh/WWsj2Ag2MrFYAo+sY6 dGZvaLsPhkZJcLXyFaP3c3Zt8ivrs4VV8+0kmMzScnR+oncVZbeMuQksoPxRmZgH mYu2KSf74lWOWVcaaBXOYX5pGNdhBUgq8ll+8tRH16G289r0cqRoPh/sjs/JRuIH KnCWG2UAUJF7ir04TS5A4Lwl9RYcQwVvb3BdABEBAAG0LUFkYW0gTWFyc2hhbGwg RG9icmluIChsYW1jLmxhKSA8YWRhbUBsYW1jLmxhPokBOQQTAQgAIwUCVsZqUAIb AwcLCQgHAwIBBhUIAgkKCwQWAgMBAh4BAheAAAoJEMgUPrR1B55trOwIALOQRTX0 YqXJXEMhX9CgxKNoNkpM2pdMdHl6CAVxhQ3hbNjIFnZbKbP88uxMEIOXXmYZ7gOy YqiDCu5I1V25suBb2ODSix75YQugfQ7H78pXHpTRu5sT+5SybItx7d+KUZaEj4pO tXWEemYl0cKK97RzpI0k1dmB7NqAVvqgbqQwd40MOf8QJVlGXnB1+5H2IbkYG6rD ixKGJEdes6i6nqvi/xz/s5hFVGUwTcVQbRU/fa1qT1Q7kHf1PlMu6yjuZTSz7WUG tWjobGwrVJkaeVWgLE4mcxMtity2IFTwOHvAuv8fi2EGQRQjXfPvxL7Vn4MNRl8x zLPV44D37QEknjy5AQ0EVsZqUAEIAMFS0+ZgSJzUPz0h0oiiRjfk2hapS3c1/Ysm R/h8sZ8/GOomdo3MEbTCkcuZ8ReAJhB2PofmwI4LAvW1x7Zwh1vfBKygfUs1s9lm ya/eHkjuZfqmeuEJZMHn6sxb3vqowWmvLhv3x0aWD8qLCIYoa1ntzTOIqxBEgxvU rF1/wd6OQLSJQEVNwPCx7CJI/5o/4W6pUaHk8amgPckkEdmlhRTRqFoAUV1Doivv d9JGYNYC88vS14Sw4Z9Xb7qBQJvG4hIh29gtQxk7Wz4m3ceR79MWT4eSGkH/rTGl w1OuQS2OkPvjgPWJt8San4zuPer17pJN7M5LWI0PStoX9pkud5kAEQEAAYkBHwQY AQgACQUCVsZqUAIbDAAKCRDIFD60dQeebWU6CADylAM5K18N2JGveL3D4dG25fdF vkrz8LOaiUmjAxijcRQBLkTPBK7QqoK0zN6MssMdlBGIOvZQwxSMIIrG6SqwR/go rmZHRuz17ceFTcxT8ZG3FuBY+xXrotXFjLxTmJ1wUeCSVXTc4NAwBzykgkQXOdIj qK1f/HnmMqsSmX4swuH0TZPNBBO7CNvLN6rdLBRfNn1h5XPs8VVtezg5ZDfCTf8S mucQGEwo/hJmr/orEucmETYSvTXOz+L5X5gNHpzYzE9590FYfbAKvrEhAliKbhhl 3Roie3kenrzelXo5N9Q0f2AKFrv1hRX9hBkwTbA18SKZ9XQbWMusX8YhvfLr =dvAJ -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----