He said "We know the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong. Do you not think an angel rides in the whirlwind, and directs this storm?" Those words, while also showing anachronistic foreknowledge of typographic and computer technology--relating "swift" to the font Courier and strong to the font style "bold" ... we can see the Hand of God in action delivering a "what not to do" message through the act of Creation... putting the two verses together, and adding in another anachronism, the word "the" happens to be "die" in German:
the race is not to Die Bold.
Surrounding this is more hidden light. The Hebrew
word for the Burning Bush is Ha'esh--and within it you can see Moses' true parted sea, backwards. What's more, seeing that later in the story a sea is actually parted in order to highlight this anachronism sheds light on what the true "wilderness" of Exodus is. 40 years in the desert, 40 days and nights in an ark... protecting us from time travel changing the past is "lit" by both the reference to time periods and to the fouth dimension... 4-D from 40. There are a significant number of additional anachronistic examples of English appearing in Hebrew and Arabic, all designed to reinforce this idea of creation in a storm of time travel. English too contains examples of a "macaronic" cypher highlightd by both religion and light in the world--things like the
Taming of the Spanglishrew, langolier, and Yankee Doodle's macaroni.
God is speaking, he's speaking through a company that created an "electronic voting system" that really doesn't solve any of the problems we have with voting--long lines, accountability, and frequency of voting... it's "wrong on purpose," and he's giving us a golden opportunity today to take a giant leap closer to Heaven.
Here's an Atlantic article on Bush' speechwriter's book titled
Present at the Creation. it's clear as day, no? Later in the inaugural address Bush concurs, "we are not this story's author, who fills time and eternity with his purpose."
Really see that Bush's name and his recitation of Ecclesiastes 9:11 and Revelation 20:1 together are the intended parallel to the actual Burning Bush of Exodus--just like Die Bold. From the fire that spreads over nothing short of proof that Exodus is written for us come the light that begins a process of really attaining freedom, and that's the stuff of Heaven.
Just like Heaven--the idea of a more perfect place to exist--depends squarely on your participation; I cannot spread this message alone, I need your help.
On top of an
insane number of BIbilical references to modern computing technology, obvious ones like the "root" of David, Lisp of Moses... and the Apple of Adam--Exodus delivers a bright flash combining the Linux command "sudo" with an Oracle database called "Xe"--which doubles as a
lamp related element. Tying in more "light in the world" to the connetion between Heaven and computers, God "Rattle's a Rod" by showing divine influence over both Shake-speare's question to the ages "to B or not to Be?" and Sherlock Holmes famous quote "It's elementary my dear What-sons..." leading to the "Sign of the Son's" connection between proving foreknowledge of 7 chemistry elements' symbols at the time of the writing of the BIble and the definitive
Herald of the Second Coming, which happens to to link
by date and chapter and verse to Bush's speech.
Xenon, the element from Exodus matches Earth; and the true Fifth Element gives
sight to Jupiter's initials: A.D. and the index of Siilicon, 14. Like the other
light, those initials appear in a number of places in our world and one of the Hebrew names for God and in the first image you'll notice my full initials grace the computer chip maker "American Micro Devices." The elements as well as their corresponding planets,
from Mercury to Uranium are described by the successive lines of Bush's Ecclesiastes 9:11 from "the race is not to the swift" to "time and chance" matching the God's of Speed, Time, and Heaven.
Let me comment that I didn't really scream all night two nights ago--I spent the night sending e-mails out. Lots and lots of e-mails. In my somewhat distorted reality, I assume that you all know when I do that, because ... you know, these are e-mails that contain the kind of information that would make me call the authorities--or the news--or every smart person I could find; and so that's why we find ourselves here. I've been doing this constantly for months, providing--in a soup of hectic writing--a number of key points that show this message comes from the Creator of the Universe, and contains verifiable proof of that. Look around you, a great deal of what is happening here matches perfectly to the story of Exodus and to the positive connection between Heaven and liberty. This message is
incendiary, and should have started the Second Coming all on it's own--but it hasn't--and in keeping with our story this wall,of censorship and disblief
hiding the light of the Son matches up perfectly with the Egyptian Plague of Darkness. I need your now, more than ever (
Total Eclipse of the Heart, Bonnie Tyler) to help bring our world through the night. Frankly, I haven't even touched on the volume of proof that I have, like our story, this is just
the beginning (
a's Compilation).
For whatever reason, whether it's by the decision of network heads in our media that is now
controlled ostensibly by only 6 corportaions, or by
secret Executive Order, thousands upon thousands of individuals in the press have been uanble to write a word about this information--which I am very sure delivers with a clarity that there is something special happening or our generation. This message is time sensitive--it's designed specifically for us, connecting corporations names and current technologies to both religion and Heaven--
it is meant to be unsealed right this very moment.
Because of the
wall of censorship that is clearly a big part of the freedom delivered by God in the stories of Exodus and Jericho--I am asking you to pick up the torch of this Holy Fire and send this message to everyone on your contact list, share in on
Facebook and
Twitter, and talk about it--I hope people are as amazed as I was by the bright light all over our history that I just never saw before it was pointed out.
In truth the censorship goes beyond the internet and the media, the technology being revealed is being used to keep us in the dark, to ensure that we do get "full disclosure" of not only the existence of "mind altering" technology, but a crash course in how it should never be used--following our unfortunate theme of the day. It's going to take a real effort, cooperation to really build Heaven, and right now we have a golden opportuinty.